Rooted - £195

This self led, online programme will help you put in the foundations to reclaim your fertility and nurture your body, mind & soul.   Giving you the support, tools and techniques to reclaim your power and hope.

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The Two Week Wait Course - £29

Take back control of your two week wait with this powerful self-led programme.

With a mix of exercises, tools and techniques to unlock your inner strength, calm your mind and find inner peace whenever you need.


The Pocket HUG - £15

Giving you meditations, tools and techniques to use on those really tough days


Release & Reconnect - £9.99

Using guided Gentle Release Recordings for different stages of your cycle


Free Fertility Resources

10 simple ways to ease the wait during your fertility journey - FREE

Is your life on hold whilst waiting for your baby?  Every day I support women who are waiting whilst ttc.   As the start its quite fun right?  But then it really starts to take its toll.    That is why I have put together these 10 simple ways to ease the wait.  Giving you techniques, recordings and guidance to support you. 

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Harness your thoughts, feelings and emotions whilst TTC - FREE

Giving you some coaching, tips and and EFT sequence to help harness your thoughts, feeling & emotions and therefore your response

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Guided Fertility Relaxation MP3 - Free

A 20 minute recording enabling you to connect with your body and working on the heart/womb connection
